We have Developed and Commercialized Power Converters and Systems that Enable the Power Produced from Solar
Power and Fuel Cells to be Linked to the System or Store It in a Battery to Perform the Same Role as Power Plants.

50kW, 100kW, 125kW PCS SGSF certified
Renewable Energy Connection Business (Solar Power, Wind Power)
Smart Grid Distribution Business
Large-Capacity Converter for ESS Cloud
PCS for fuel cell
KOGAS KGS AB34 PC53 Acquired Performance Certification
Fuel cell for power generation KGS FS452 PC59 2017 System Certification Obtained
Acquired Certification for Manufacturing Plant Inspection of PCS for Fuel Cell
10kW Grid-Tied/Standalone Type Converter + Inverter PCS
Renewable Energy Connection Business of Buildings and Apartments